Generation Screwed Book Launch and Tour

Author: Candice Malcolm 2014/10/29

TORONTO, ON: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) is pleased to unveil a new book written by CTF Ontario Director, Candice Malcolm. The book, which is available on November 1st to order or download, highlights how Canada’s public policy and tax structures are unfair to young Canadians. Malcolm will be embarking on a national speaking tour to promote the book and the message of Generation Screwed 

“The future is pretty bleak for young Canadians,” said CTF’s Ontario Director Candice Malcolm. “Thanks to big promises made by politicians, our government lives beyond its means, doesn’t pay its bills and forces young workers to pay for the benefits of older workers – benefits that may not exist for the next generation.”

Nine million baby boomers are expected to retire over the next two decades. As more and more retirees utilize the most expensive government programs – such as health care, pensions and elderly benefits – the increasingly large financial burden will fall on the shoulders of young workers.

“Not only will young Canadians graduate with record student debt, their share of our government’s debt burden will soar through the roof,” said Malcolm. “The numbers are scary.”

The book discusses the demographic and spending trends that will make it all but impossible for governments to continue to spend and borrow at their current pace.

“Our system of government has become a massive scam,” continued Malcolm. “The system relies on robbing Peter to pay Paul. But what happens when Peter retires?”

“Generation Screwed is a wake up call. It’s time for my generation – Millennials – to fight back against the Ponzi schemes set up by our government, and demand a better deal for our future,” said Malcolm.


The Generation Screwed Media Kit can be found here: http://bit.ly/1u5jDZs

Generation Screwed can be ordered online at www.candicemalcolm.com. It can also be purchased through Amazon.com or downloaded on Kindle. 

To contact author Candice Malcolm about media or speaking events, or to request a copy of Generation Screwed to review, please email [email protected] or call 416-648-0850.

Media Kit includes: 

Backgrounder and book summary

Candice Malcolm’s speaking tour dates and locations 

High-resolution headshot of the author 

High-resolution headshot of the Generation Screwed book cover

Candice Malcolm's bio

Book Facts: 

Title: Generation Screwed

Author: Candice Malcolm

Publisher: Magna Carta

Date of Publication: October 2014

Retail Price: $9.99 (Softcover) or $4.99 (Kindle)

ISBN-13: 9780993919503

ASIN/ISPN-10: 0993919502

Pages: 220

Size: 6” x 9”

Language: English

Category: Political Science/ Political Economy, Non-Fiction 


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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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